Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Spud experiment progress. As you remember I used a few methods to grow a few potatoes to see what works best in my soil.  I've learned that I need to space the potatoes much further!!!  Use the tires as it also gives them support and they are growing like crazy!  I really like the small tires that are very wide.  Those work the best if you will be scavenging.

We have our first yellow squash and are so excited to grill it tonight.  Bring on the Zuchini!

I'm beginning my painting project for our garage, shed and trim between work and am going to try my hand at putting in the windows in my garden shed and get it cleaned out.

My tomatoes are poking along slowly.  Very very slowly.

But the bees are very busy around my salvia and other flowers.  The butterfly bush is just about to bloom so that is exciting to me!  The doves seem to enjoy picking in my beds and scratching out what they can find and the finches are flitting in and out of the grapevines to get to the bird feeder.  

My husband and I have been looking for flat rocks and flat pieces of cement from the dumping spot here in town and he is making me a pad of sorts and a walk between the beds.
Thanks for enjoying this journey with me!

Growing a garden was necesity when I grew up as in the generations past.  Parents passed down how to grow their own food and be self sufficient.  I think it is time to walk those footsteps again.  

Teaching our sons and daughters the value and experience of growing our own food and other simple life skills.  Whether we need it or not at least we have an appreciation of where food comes from and something to fall back on.  Plus children learn and grow in so many ways when they are outside.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wild Flower

My Favorite:  Wild Roses

Yucca in Bloom!

Native grasses mesmerize me with their waving tops and varying textures and shades of green.  Little wild flowers are tucked in.

Nature at it's finest!

Amazing at how beautiful simplicity is.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Garden Helpers

A peaceful two quiet hours outside this morning before church watering, reading, thinking and praying.  And... enjoying the company workers in my yard.

I have friendly robin who will walk right up on the patio with me and she was a hunting machine this morning as she ate breakfast, patched her nest and fed her babes.

 And a friendly...as long as I stay an arms length away...garden snake who lives in the rocks under the spicket in my flowers.  I have to be careful to warn him before going to turn the water off or on.  But if he will travel my yard eating bugs then he can stay!

I also have Peter and Paul...names of two wild bunnies whom I never have my camera ready when they are out who forage on dandelions and dropped cotton tree leaves.

Friday, June 10, 2011

New Treasure

My husband brought a gift home yesterday and I'm thrilled with my new treasure!!!!  Now am researching to see how I can protect them so they will last.  Any ideas???

David's Anvil  stand... but mine for now!

My Favorite!  If only trees could talk!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Old Becomes New...or at least Usable!

O.k. so it is not new but it is functional again.  My husband is a genius and I'm a scavenger.  Together we are a good team.  An old chaise lounge is becoming new and comfy.

Tearing apart the sun destroyed chair.

Oreo trying to figure out what David is doing.

A VERY Comfy Back Already!! 

David also took old wire clothes hangers that were being thrown away and cut them in to stakes for my soaker hose so I don't have to fight it all year.  I wish he knew how much these "little things" mean to me.  Better then roses!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

We Are Growing!!!

My hostas are growing unusually big this year- it reminds them of a rain forest!  The potatoes that I'm growing in different ways as an experiment.  I should have grown more.  Town and Country gave me the old tires and I love the simplicity of it.

Gardens in my mind need to go with your environment and be simple!  Not perfect and yet functioning.  Kind of like me!

6/1/11 Potato!  Check out the before photos in earlier blog post.     

Lemon Lime Succulent in my $1 Basket and Pot!  My friend Marlene was so kind to share this at the greenhouse!  Thanks Nurse Marlene!!!!!      

 My kids say this is a Psych Ward bucket but Ruth assured me that it was an old coal bucket for the city.  So I proudly display my odd bucket on my very chair.  When the sun comes out it will become beautiful!

My washtub that was upside down last year holding up my drip hose has taken new life this year with this cool trellis that I found on clearance last year at Alco.  Can't wait to add the Nasturtiums to a salad.  I am Leary about the amount of sun these two pots will get and how the flowers will grow but we will see.

Last year this "behind the scenes" of my berm was just a great place for my mulch!  Wasted space I decided so have planted squash to grow from it to the fence.  My hope is that it will spread out over the grass clippings and help "squash" the weeds as well as be available for my grill every day!!!!!