Monday, September 26, 2011

Planning Time--- Trying to Keep It Simple!

BEGINNING PLANS!  Notes in my journal!

Planning on changing plants around to different beds!

Helpful Worksheet as I plan out next year!

Vegetable Planting Guide Worksheet
ese are general guidelines. Growing times can vary greatly depending on the seed
variety you select. Check seed packet for exact growing and planting times.
1. Write “Date of Last Frost” for your region in the space provided below.
2. Using a calendar, calculate the “planting date” by adding or subtracting the
number of weeks listed from the “Date of Last Frost.”
3. Calculate the “Sow Date” by subtracting the “Growth Period” from the “Planting
Date.” (Sow Date is the date to sow seed indoors or in a greenhouse for transplanting
into the garden after the last frost.)
Beans* 8 to10
Beets* 8 to 10 2-3 weeks after
Broccoli 8 to 10 2 weeks before
Brussels Sprouts 16 to 19 3 weeks before
Cabbage 13 to 17 3 weeks before
Carrots* 8 to 10 1-2 weeks after
Cauliflower 8 to 10 2 weeks before
Collards 4 to 6 4 weeks before
Corn* 9 to 12 2 weeks after
Cucumber* 6 to 12 1-2 weeks after
Eggplant 14 to 20 3 weeks after
Lettuce 4 to 7 1-2 weeks after
Greens* 5 to 7 Soon as soil can be worked
Okra 4 to 6 2-4 weeks after
Onion* 8 to 10 2-3 weeks before
Parsley 8 to 10 2 weeks before
Peas* 8 to 10 4-6 weeks before
Peppers 8 to 10 2 weeks after
Potatoes* 10 to 20 2-3 weeks after
Pumpkin* 15 to 18 2-3 weeks after
Radish* 4 3-4 weeks before
Spinach* 6 to 7 3-6 weeks before
Winter Squash* 13 to 22 2 weeks after
Tomato 8 to 12 1 week after
Zucchini* 2 to 4 2 weeks after
*Seeds can be direct-sown in the garden soil. Other seeds will need to be starte

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Slowing Down-Planning for Next Year

Several nights of "almost freezing" and our growth time is slowing down quickly!! One final bed needs amended manure, compost and grass clippings and leaves.  I'm moving in plants and tools and taking in my owner to be fixed and put away.  So in the spirit of wrapping up I'm making notes now and planning for next year.

To Do Next year:

  • Plant more potatoes!
  • Make more raised beds.
  • Create my own custom tomato cages.
  • Draw garden layout and organize plant ordering now!
  • Space my plants more realistically.
  • Put stakes out immediately when I plant.
  • Beg my husband to make a drip system and water collection system for me.
  • Write when and where I plant everything AS I plant them!
  • Peruse the dumping spots for flat rocks and bricks to finish a path around my beds.
  • Re-design berm with the plants for butterflies and grasses.
  • Cover herb beds.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

David's Raised Bed Design

I have loved my raised beds that David and the boys made for me.  My goal all summer was to put in the Buster Bed!  Buster was our very loved family pet and the bed is where we buried him.  It was a beautiful day with two boys so we decided to get it done.  Although when we were finish...we all missed Buster and were wistful for Joshua.

People have asked how we made ours so this is it...  I do use clear caulking to fill in the larger cracks in the joints and I water proof the wood later.


4X4X6 Treated Post

Deciding the Lay Out.  (Oops you can see the chair that is waiting for a trip to the dump!)

Is It Square?

Drilling the Holes!
Drilling the holes through.  Two on each corner.  They set up the corners so they are super sturdy!

Hammering in Two Foot Re-bar.... Way Harder Than It Looks!

Next Step:  Fill the bed with the compost and dirt that I've been saving and water.  Add the chicken manure and grass clippings and it will be ready to work through the winter.  It will be our pepper bed!