Our youth committee hosted a gardening activity for the kids today. Younger kids came to engage in activities around gardening while the Moms and Dads learned just as much I think!
My activities was on compost, vermicompost and starting a seed in a necklace greenhouse.
When kids came to my table, I showed them baggies filled with different compost types. I had a printed out process of decomposition and the layers in a compost bin laying around for their information.
One bag of browns with pine-cones, leaves, bark and even a few small sticks. A bag of greens that contained cabbage, celery and cucumbers nicely beginning the fermentation process! What is compost without manure and horse apples were in a baggie for inspection. Crushed eggs, water beads and nicely composted soil were the final bags.
The baggies offered a great way to show the layering of compost-and I didn't even mean to!
I had some worms in an aquarium for them to see. Some of the last kids through made their own compost bin out of a brown bag, worms and all of the layers. Many little ones had never really watched a worm move and wonder about their make up. They touched, played with and even ticked the worms!
Whoever we are and whatever we do, I see it as all of our responsibility to pass on a passion for all things living. To teach old skills to young minds and to stir up a curiosity within everyone!