Monday, June 18, 2012

Record Breaking Heat

My tummy starts to tremble when I hear the word drought.  To a ranching/farming family drought was a terrifying word.  Animals and crops would be effected.  Worry etched our parents faces.

This is the warmest spring in Nebraska since record keeping began.  Our ground is beginning to harden with the lack of rain.  Our growing season began about six weeks early so gardening has been a challenge.  

Sprinklers provides just the top layer with a sip but what the ground really needs is a good soaking.

Nebraska faced a drought just a few years ago that emptied lakes, streams and rivers and we do not want to go back to that.

So as my ancestors have done for years in this wildly unpredictable heartland...I will adapt.  

The hostas that grew so beautifully under the tree until the tree had to come down will have to be moved and if it doesn't survive then it will be sacrificed to more practical plants.  Water has to be conserved and used wisely.

I'm in the process of cutting old hoses, adding the ends so watering is more targeted.  Being intentional with extra mulch and care my plants.

New plans for landscaping that will work with our semi-arid environment better are being scribbled in my journal as I plan for more beds and different varieties.

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