The last few tomatoes are finishing ripening as the nights are getting down below 40-50. My perennial grasses have pushed up their seeds and the flowers are ready for break. Now is the time for fall irrigating and preparing. My pumpkin vines have taken over several beds (without much to show for it) and my tree is dropping leaves.
So now is the time to wrap it up and get it ready. My beds and gardens that is. Need to do:
1. Prune my perennial flowers.
2. Pull annuals and add to compost and beds.
3. Pull tomatoes and zucchini and leave on beds.
4. Harvest final carrots and potatoes.
5. Leave butterfly bushes and Russian sage and perennial grasses to overwinter.
6. Get mulch and straw bought and ready to add to flower beds and under trees and shrubs.
7. Still watering trees and shrubs and lightly watering hostas as they go dormant.
8. Dump my compost bin onto the beds.
9. Add horse manure to raised beds and deeply water them in.
10. Add lots of leaf litter for the birds at the back of my yard.
11. Clean out garden shed for spring.
11. Clean out all bird baths and feeders with a bleach mixture.
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