I would HIGHLY recommend taking the Master Gardener class in your area. Last night we discussed managing perennials presented by the Backyard Farmer. It was a rich lesson.
Trees, perennials, annuals, grass and kids all just want to be where they belong. To grow in the environment that is best for them with the right nutrition and relationships.
Plants respond to stress and trauma in much the same way we do. Stress makes us vulnerable to disease and injury. Trauma weakens our resilience. Both can result in a free fall of health and production. Too much of this or too little of that can set us up to fail.
Forcing plants to bloom when they are not ready. Bullying them to withstand heat when they are made for shade. Not accepting them to be what/who they were created to be.
Always being in a hurry or expecting perfection in a plant or person always leads to disappointment and disillusionment.
Insisting that the growth should come in neat and tidy little steps can actually sabotage healthy development.
Could this be why driving across the sandhills or walking through the prairie gives me such a sense of peace and contentment?
The plants and the land are just doing what they are supposed to do. The more we accept that and get out of the way...the happier we will all be.
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