Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weeds Are Opportunistic

  "Weeds are opportunistic taking advantage of an ecological and/or geographical adaptation to conditions more favorable for their growth as opposed to the growth of the desired species." Lowell Sandell from UNL.

Weeds look for niches in the environment where they can take root and get established.  A place that is bare or diseased or stressed.  If it thinks it can take over...
Compacted soils, acid soils, infertile/sandy soils, high fertility soils, shade and moist and wet soils attract their own weeds.  In addition weed seeds build up in the soil and will come out of dormancy when "the mood is right."

Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Ever had an exhausting day where your life was compacted and were shocked at what came out?!

Two steps:
1.  Identify the weed. 
2.  Choose the available weapons. 

Give the environment what it needs so it is strong and healthy and resilient to stress and pest.
I would add that if we are very observant about what is happening in our yard/gardens that the weeds can tell us about what is happening there.  What's going well and what isn't.  Kind of like behavior!  Tells us what our plants are needing.
In Nebraska we have had unseasonably warm weather with weeds sprouting like crazy.  So I guess it is time to get to work!

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