Friday, May 9, 2014

Spring Has Sprung- Permaculture in Process

The butterfly bushes, Maximilian sunflowers,  yarrow, syliva, hostas and grasses are all trimmed back and confidently pushing up their new growth.  A little like three year olds testing their boundaries, or teenagers spreading their wings.

Leaves gathered around their roots over the winter, are in various stages of decomposition.  Beds and berms have been watered and cleaned.  I never tire of watching nature do what God intended it to do.  Working together to build the soil and community up around it.  

The soil is amazing and teeming with life!  Now to protect it until the plants do their job in the garden.  I'm looking for old hay and straw.  Hay breaks down more quickly.  Asking people who mow to share their grass clippings with me is going to be critical.  My goal is to have 8 inches of mulch on my beds and around my plants.

The electric company shared a wealth of wood chips with me.  Family and friends shook their heads at the giant pile in my driveway and I secretly wondered where it would all go.  Surprisingly, they have gone quickly as I add more around this perennials, or that tree as the ground settles in.

Although our area continues to be in a drought, a spring rain a few days ago has given the ground hope.  As it rained steadily through the night, I could not help but imagine the water seeping through the mulch and pea gravel to be stored in the soil beneath the swells and berms.  I imagine it being held by organic bits and pieces within the soil.

Permaculture is simply helping create community systems!

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